Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

I am a huge history buff, so one would think that Independence Day would be a favorite holiday.


Not so much.

I actually would rank this holiday as one of my least favorites.

You see, I am not a big fan of fireworks in general, especially because I tend to be an early to bed kind of girl, but also because they are pretty dangerous.

I know, some people love them. LOVE THEM! I know. I get it.

But, as a teenager we (us and the neighborhood kids) accidentally burned our barn and chickens down due to fireworks. It wasn't fun and it wasn't a neato thing to have to deal with, either in the middle of the night with huge flames shooting into the sky, or later as we had to clean up dead chickens. Yah. So that is one reason fireworks are not my thing.

Another reason is because I worked in the insurance world for 15 years and I have had more than one client call and report damage, injury or a significant house fire from fireworks. It really just isn't worth it to me.

Plus every year I read about some asshole who uses firecrackers or fireworks to harass, injure or kill animals, like cats. That just isn't cool. My Roxie is in the house sleeping safely, even though she would rather be outside tonight.

Plus, in the part of the world I live in now (Southern Oregon) it is typically quite dry and fireworks create a huge fire hazard that could spread rapidly and cause millions in damages to property, livestock and homes. That just seems totally unnecessary for a little bit of piccolo pete.

Also, it seems to me that fireworks just aren't what they used to be. When I was a kid they did more than "emit showers of sparks."

Anyway, today is not my favorite holiday, but I know people love it. So all I will say is just be careful! Have fun, but don't be stupid! Don't let your pets out. Keep a hose handy. And if your fireworks don't blow up don't go look at them or touch them! That is how people lose fingers or burn their faces. If you have kids make sure they have a SOBER supervisor! And please: don't drink and drive tonight.

I don't want to read about any of you in the news tomorrow.

Enjoy your yummy barbeque, your cherry pie and your fireworks...but be safe!

Happy Independence Day America!

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