Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goals for 2012

I know I'm a day or two behind, but here are my goals, as promised, for 2012.

1. Complete my Bachelor of Science in Human Communication by the end of Fall Term 2012 (December), including a Certificate in Human Resources Management and a Certificate in Conflict Resolution.

I currently have 74 credits (of 90 required) completed and am taking 20 credits Winter Term 2012 putting me at 54 more required credits. To achieve my goal I will need to take 20 credits in Spring 2012 and Fall 2012 with an additional 14 credits in Summer 2012. Included in that process will be my required practicum project.

This is a very lofty goal. It will require a tremendous amount of dedication and time from me, in addition to a pretty significant amount of money, and a certain aligning of the stars and universe to make it all happen. I am going to do everything in my power to make this goal a reality, while still keeping in mind that I am subject to outside forces (like class schedules).

2. Lose 20 pounds.

See my previous post for my achievements and accomplishments in 2011. In 2012 I want to continue my healthy downward body size trend.

In order to achieve this goal I will need to monitor my food intake and increase my activity level back to 40-60 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week.

3. Complete the Helvetia Half Marathon on June 9th, 2012 in Hillsboro, Oregon. 13.1 miles.

I have participated in the Helvetia event (completing the 10K) twice before, once in 2006 and once in 2009. I thought it would be appropriate to continue my every 3 year streak and up the ante by participating again in 2012 only this time completing the half.

In order to achieve this goal I will need to start training in earnest with my feet on the pavement. I will need to review Chi-Running and Marathoning for Mortals and set up a training plan that is appropriate and achievable. I will need to follow that training plan to safely increase my mileage over the next several months without injury.

I have one caveat with this goal. My PRIMARY goal for this year is to finish my degree (see #1) which may interfere with the level and time commitment of training required to appropriately train for the full half marathon. My PLAN and INTENTION is to complete the half (walking/wogging/jogging), but if my course load prevents me from an appropriate level of training, I will complete the 10K (6.2 miles) instead of the half.

4. Exercise at least 20 minutes 183 days of the year.

Last year I exercised for 151 days of the year. 183 days is half the number of the days of the year (rounded up).

In order to complete this goal I will need to exercise for at least 20 minutes averaging every other day.

5. Complete 3960 exercise minutes during the year.

This is 300 more minutes than goal # 4. I don't think they are mutually exclusive. One is more about the number of days I exercise, which creates consistency, whereas this one is about an amount of exercise.

In order to complete this goal I will need to have at least 30 exercise sessions lasting 10 minutes longer than my 20 minute minimum on 183 days.

There ya go! My 5 main goals for 2012.

They are SMART goals meaning they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and they all have a Timeline.

Now it's your turn! Did you set any goals or resolutions for 2012?

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