Monday, August 15, 2011


"There's nothing like music to relieve the soul and uplift it."
~Micky Hart 

Sometimes, the only way up, is through.

In order for me to rise up...out of my own depths...I need to find a way to fire the light of inspiration in my soul.

Music...uplifting...powerful...envigorating music is one of the best ways for me to start changing my perception; to start seeing the light.


After tha past day or two of struggling and flailing around, looking to my friends and mentors for advice, reassurance and tough love, I came here and listened to my own playlist. A playlist *I* created of songs that I love; songs that have meaning to me; songs that speak to my heart and soul.

I cannot just have it play. I must listen to the message of the music. What about these songs draws me to them? What about them inspires me?

I have to quiet my mind, concentrate on the message, and allow it to fill my soul.

I can literally feel the peace spreading throughout my body as I listen to and absorb the message and melody of the music. The music fills me up and pushes the darkness away. The music makes a path for my light to shine.

I am not done rising; I have a ways yet to go, but I am starting to surface. The bubbles are starting to tickle my nose as I rise up from the depths.

I will surface. I will burst through.


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