Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ladies Night

It's Thursday already! How is it that the weeks drag so slowly while I'm in school, but rush by when I'm not?

I had a great day yesterday. I spent the day doing stuff that gets overlooked and ignored during school times, like organizing and cleaning. I also did some holiday decorating...I'll have to post a picture of my outside lights later, I forgot to take a picture last night.

After I was done decorating  I played in my kitchen a bit. I had invited some girlfriends from school to come over and have ladies night, so I did some prep work for that.

On the menu:

Sweet n Sour Turkey Meatballs
Chicken Avocado Rice Salad
and CHOCOLATE! We had a lot of chocolates.

We also enjoyed Stoli Chocolate Raspberry White Russians and some wine.

Megan, Allison, (Roscoe), me
Good times!

(my kitchen looks really big in this picture!)


Megan and Allison
Haha! Great pictures!

I think they mostly came over to see the kittens though...

It was getting late...Roscoe was soooo sleepy!

Laughing and having fun despite the horrible self portrait. We were all relieved to be done with school for the term. Whew!

Thanks for coming over last night ladies! I had a great time and am looking forward to the next time!

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