Sunday, October 9, 2011

Looking for Inspiration

I have not been feeling the inspiration lately...

I know we all go through these times, these ups and downs of energy and motivation and inspiration. Life is that way. It waxes and wanes. It moves like the tides...sometimes high and full of energy and fury, other times low and lapping at the shore.

I think it is important to recognize the low periods as just another phase of life. I think we focus too much on them as being "bad" or as time passing with our focus in the wrong spot. Yes, I think we need to try and retrain our gaze on our goal, and keep our eye on the prize, but, at least for me, I feel like these periods of ebb and flow are natural rythms in my life.

I am at a point though, where I know I need to, not only retrain  my gaze to my goal, but initiate the actions as well. I have, in plain words, been sitting on my butt for long enough. I need to get up and get moving! Literally!

I need to incorporate exercise back into my daily routine. I let interruptions to my routine bump me off my track, but that has gone on long enough. It's time to bump back onto the track.

I have goals. I want to continue my path to greater health, lower body weight, increased strength and endurance, and, let's not forget, I committed to run a half marathon in June! I already paid the entry fee. There is no turning back. There is no excuse.

It is time to "Just Do It!" I have a Nike t-shirt in my closet, that is a size too small and it says "Every Damn Day Just Do It!"  Yup, I need to re-focus.

This is my re-lighting the fire of inspiration pep talk to myself. If it is to be it is up to me. I know that *I* am the only one that can effect change in my life. (Is that effect or affect? I think maybe affect?) At any rate, *I* am responsible for my choices. If *I* want to succeed in living the life I want, then I have to actually do it!

There is no time like the present, ya?

Time to light the fire.

Come on baby...light my fire!

Time to live life.

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