Friday, October 28, 2011

The Friday Five 2

I really didn't mean to disappear this week, but it is midterm week people! Is it difficult for anyone else to believe that we are already halfway through Fall 2011 Term at school??? In fact, just as I am typing this I am struggling with the way it looks because the sentences are not double spaced on the page, and I have been writing lots of papers and they all, of course, must be double spaced! This is causing me some brain trauma right now! lol!

Anyway, mid terms. I only had two tests, but it is about this point in the term that things get busy and we start having a lot of stuff DUE and have to be looking forward to the end of the term to be preparing for final papers and projects and whatnot. So, I've been a little busy with school.

PLUS we had a houseguest again this week for a couple of nights. Chris' friend/coworker Charlie (who we also go boating/camping with) was here in town for work for a couple of days! It was nice for them to hang out and for Chris to have someone to work with for a change.

So, I haven't had a lot of free time this week, and I haven't really felt 100% this week, either.

I have another houseguest coming tonight to spend the weekend, too! Crazy!

Onto the Friday Five!

1. What I am Reading:

Okay, I actually haven't started reading it yet, but it just came out this week and I had pre-ordered it on amazon, so I have it and am going to read it....just as soon as I have a spare 3-4 hours.

From the website:

In Destined, the forces of Light and Dark collide as their epic struggle focuses on Tulsa’s House of Night. Zoey is home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side – and preparing to face off against Neferet. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx’s gift of a human form, he and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together – if Rephaim can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father’s shadow.
But is Zoey really safe? Does she truly know those who are closest to her? And will love win when it is tested by the very soul of Darkness? Find out what’s destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series.

Well, I for one, can't wait to find out if Zoey is really safe and if she truly knows those who are closest to her!

2. What I am Listening To:

I am still loving on Adele...although this week I have moved on to "Rumor Has It" and "Turning Tables"...both of which I will belt out with feeling while on the freeway to school. Doesn't everyone do that?

3. What I'm Watching:

Uhm...nothing? I don't have time for TV, and I only make time for football this time of year. Sunday and Monday nights are football night in America! Although I am intrigued by the two new shows: Grimm and Once Upon A Time. Both look interesting, but at this point I can't get involved with a new show. Chris is excited about Beavis and Butt Head coming back.

4. What I am Eating:

Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal

1 cup coconut milk
1/3 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 c oats
1 tablespoon dried cranberries
2 teaspoons brown sugar
sprinkle cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves

Bring coconut milk and pumpkin to a boil, add oats and reduce heat, stirring periodically to prevent sticking, for about 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients, stir and serve!


5. What I am pinning Thinking:

I am loving all the inspiration for food I get off of all the blogs I read. It has really opened my eyes to some easy and interesting food combinations. I eat stuff (like the oatmeal) and think WHY didn't I think of this before? It is SO easy and good.

Alrighty gang...time for me to skedaddle...this was supposed to take about 5 minutes but due to an excruciatingly slow internet connection (for NO reason!) it has taken more than 20! GAH!

Have a great Friday everyone! Share your Friday Five in the comments!

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